Here, you can find answers to some common questions to help guide you through the enrolment process and address any issues that may arise. If you can’t find the answer here, our Enrolment team is always available to assist you.
My details are incorrect. What can I do?
If there is a mistake with your programme, employers can change the programme or cancel the enrolment on their Employer Portal.
If any of your learner details are incorrect, you can correct this when you log in to complete the next stage. Otherwise, you can contact the MITO Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21.
What types of ID are accepted?
New Zealand Birth Certificate
New Zealand Passport
Expired New Zealand Passport
New Zealand Certificate of Citizenship
Australian Passport
Overseas Passport plus a valid work visa or a resident’s permit.
Please note: Driver Licences are not accepted, you will need to supply one of the documents above.
If you have another form of identification other than above (excluding a Driver Licence which is not accepted), then please contact the MITO Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21 to check if this will be something that can be accepted.
I am under 16 – is there anything I need to do?
Yes, leaners 15 or under will be required to provide an exemption certificate from Ministry of Education (MoE).
This exemption certificate needs to be applied for by you and a parent or guardian and you will need to discuss this with your school. The MoE website directs you to the email address that you should use for your area as the country is split into 10 regions.
You can also direct your parents and caregivers to this website which has the same information as above but is specifically for parents and whānau.
I am under 18 – is there anything I need to do?
Yes, leaners 17 or under will be required to have a parent or guardian co-sign their Training Agreement.
When your employer is completing your enrolment they will be asked to provide the name and a unique contact email for your parent/guardian.
The email address must be one that has not been used elsewhere in the enrolment (even where your parent/guardian is also your employer—they will need to supply a separate email for this part).
Where and how do I sign the Training Agreement form?
Once your employer has completed the enrolment and signed their part of the Training Agreement an email will be sent out to you to advise that your Training Agreement is ready for you to sign. The email will include log in details for you to use to access the MITO Learner Portal.
When you log on you will first be required to check your personal details. If everything is correct you can click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the page. If there are any issues with the information and you need to change something you can click ‘Back’ to go back to the application form to update that information.
When you click ‘Continue’ from the Learner Details Page it will take you straight to the MITO Training Agreement. Here you can check your name, employer name, and programme on the document. If there are any discrepancies, contact the enrolments team BEFORE you sign.
Read the Training Agreement and Terms and Conditions.
When you get to the bottom of the document you can type your name or sign if your device has that capability—either are acceptable. You do not need to add a date as it will automatically fill with the exact date and time you have signed the form. If you experience any issues, contact the MITO Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21.
I can’t sign the Training Agreement form even though the enrolment is fully completed?
Ensure that your employer has completed the enrolment on your behalf. Try the process above. If it doesn’t solve the problem, contact the MITO Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21.
What equipment do I need to complete a MITO programme?
You will need access to the internet to log onto your MITO Portal. Most programmes require you to complete your theory (e-Learning), practical assessments, and access goal sheets online. You will need suitable devices to complete this.
Should I complete an enrolment on behalf of the learner?
Yes, the employer is required to complete most of the enrolment on behalf of the learner. The learner will then be sent an invitation to log into their portal, check their personal details are correct (if not they can go back and amend if necessary) and then sign their section of the MITO Training Agreement.
Can I sign up a learner to Level 3-4 if they have already completed Level 3?
This will depend on what Level 3 programme they have previously completed.
If they have a relevant Automotive Level 3 programme or equivalent, then they may be eligible to be enrolled into the direct entry Level 4 programme. The leaner will be required to upload evidence of this qualification during the enrolment process.
If you are not sure which programme to enrol your learner into your local Training Advisor or the MITO Enrolments team can advise: or 0800 88 21 21.
What Level should I sign a leaner into if they have already done a pre-trade course?
This will depend on what Level 3 programme they have previously completed.
If the learner has completed and been awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering (Level 3) programme or equivalent, then they may be eligible to be enrolled into a direct entry Level 4 programme.
This will also be the case where a learner has completed and been awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair and Automotive Refinishing (Level 3). Learners will be eligible for direct entry into either the New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair Non-structural repair (Level 4) or the New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Refinishing (Level 4) programmes.
When selecting a direct entry Level 4 programme, evidence of this qualification will be required for upload during the enrolment process.
If you are not sure which programme to enrol your learner into your local Training Advisor or the MITO Enrolments team can advise: or 0800 88 21 21.
Will a leaner’s overseas qualification count towards their programme?
If a leaner has completed an overseas course of study, they can contact NZQA to have that qualification assessed against the New Zealand framework.
You can view more information about this process here.
How do I create a new enrolment?
To create a new enrolment, log in to the MITO Employer Portal, click on the tile ‘New Enrolments’, follow the instructions, and click start.
If you can’t see the New Enrolments tile, you may not have sufficient access. Please contact the MITO Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21 for assistance and ask about getting access to create new enrolments.
What do I need to enrol a new learner?
A brief description of the requirements for enrolment is on the first page of the new enrolment portal. Click on the button ‘What will I need to complete this enrolment?’ to expand this section.
You will need to know the name of the programme you are enrolling the learner into. Your Training Advisor or the MITO Enrolments team can advise: or 0800 88 21 21.
To enrol a new learner, you will need the learner’s full name, phone number, date of birth, and email address. MITO needs this to match your learner against existing records in our system and on the NSI (National Student Index). This will ensure we don't create a duplicate learner record, and we can check if the learner has any prior achievements that might be applied to this programme.
The email address is required so that we can send them their invitation to sign the MITO Training Agreement and other relevant information. If this is incorrect, the learner will not receive this information which can then hold up the enrolment.
We also collect demographic information such as ethnicity (including iwi where a learner identifies as Māori), prior activity as of October the previous year, disabilities or leaning differences, education history which includes the secondary school the learner attended, the last year they attended, and that highest achievement. We also require their overall highest achievement which may be the same or something they have completed elsewhere since then.
The application can be paused at anytime during the completion of the enrolment. You can simply close the application and log out. When you go back to the enrolment it will have saved your place and you can pick up where you left off. This can be useful if you come to a page that needs a document uploaded and you don’t have it on hand.
Can I enrol multiple learners at the same time?
Not at this stage but we are working on that functionality.
What is the role of the supervisor in my company?
You will need to designate a supervisor for each new enrolment. You can either choose from a list of the current staff we have against your company or you can also create a new supervisor contact where required (you will just need their Full Name, mobile number and email address).
The supervisor mentors the learner—this includes supervising their work and verifying their practical assessments. Supervisors will meet regularly with a MITO Training Advisor to review each learner's progress and set goals. They are regularly contacted via email regarding Training Advisor visits, learner activity and progress. Please ensure the email address is unique and accurate and that the supervisor checks their email regularly.
Why can’t I change some of the company details?
If information in the locked fields needs updating, contact our Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21. You can change information in the unlocked fields yourself.
Why is some of the information already prepopulated when I start a new enrolment?
Most of the time if you have had prior enrolments with MITO we will know your company details already, so you will just need to check and confirm they are still correct or amend as necessary. Similarly, if you have previously enrolled your learners with MITO, we should already have their details and much of their information will pre-fill for you.
I’m a new employer. How do I set up training capacity?
If you are a new employer to MITO or you are selecting a programme from outside of your My Programmes list, we will review the Programme selection when we process your enrolment. Your Training Advisor will contact you if there is anything that is required to update or set up the Training Capacity. You can still continue with the enrolment in the meantime.
I can’t see my learner in the Enrolment Portal view.
You may not be at the same branch as the learner (if the person looking for it is not at the same branch as the learner and does not have All branch access then they won’t be able to see the enrolment).
Check you are using the correct login if your company has more than one. If you cannot find your enrolment please contact our Enrolments team at or 0800 88 21 21.